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Old 10-15-2008, 06:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Tomtentp View Post
Here we go again...

Nice guesses you got there Scruffy, but guesses they remain.
You're right, they are guesses but that's all we can do because we haven't had anyone from her camp give us a believable explanation.

Originally Posted by Tomtentp View Post
so how about just leaving it and do something creative instead?

But what do you wish to achieve by discussing them over and over again? Being able to say "I told you so" when it happens?
The thing that I hoped to achieve was to have her make changes so she could have a successful comeback. I guess I was a fool for trying hard to save her career.

Originally Posted by Tomtentp View Post
I think we should direct this energy on better things such as supporting Alizée, finding solutions to the problems
I offered solutions. I said she sing the her earlier song the way they were origionaly orchestrated. If she didn't own the rights to them, she should have bought the rights. I think she should have presented herself better. She has so much natural beauty. Some of the outfits she's been wearing lately look like they came off the rack at wal-mart, they hid her beauty, rather than accent it like they should have and to think she's living in the fashion capitol of the world.

Originally Posted by Tomtentp View Post
Im not saying your not allowed to discuss what you want, but this subject have been stressed to the limit already and in my eyes only contribute nothing but negative energy towards Alizée.
In other words we should surround her with yes men, who say everything she sings and does is golden. Maybe if she had a few more fans that were more critical, it would never have come to this point where she can't even fill up a theater in Paris.

Originally Posted by Tomtentp View Post
Do you think she would do anything to deliberatly hurt anybody or anything in this world for money or welfare of any kind?
I don't know where you came up with this idea. I even said in this post when talking about the cancellation "Alizée, I'm sure cares but I don't think it was her decision to make."

Originally Posted by Tomtentp View Post
I have full confidence that she will always do the right thing, and that's all that matters to me.
This goes back to my previous statement about being surrounded by yes men. She's human. She'll make mistakes. She needs to be told when something isn't working or needs improvement.
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Old 10-15-2008, 07:16 PM
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Nobody's perfect.
Gourmandises wasn't perfect.
MCE wasn't perfect.
Psychédélices isnt perfect as well.

There is always room to improve, thus is humanity. There is always room to add onto, thus is humanity in a heartbeat.
Nothing must be perfect, it will take eons to become perfection, but what I ask of her is satisfactory. That is quite a push in the direction, more things to add, more ideas to put into play.

Thus said I, she could definitely keep going. If that is her will, or not, then let it be so.
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Old 10-15-2008, 07:27 PM
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Alizée and Jeremy are 24 years old. The more experience they get the better the music will get. No one is an expert right out of the box as they say.
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Old 10-15-2008, 08:08 PM
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Alas, the point-by-point argument deconstruction has begun. Take cover!

Scruffy, this isn't the end of Alizée, merely a rather large failure for her. The only people being hurt by the recent events are her fans, and although we try to think otherwise, fans are entirely disposable. Alizée will live happily with plenty of cash until she decides to put out another record, which will draw new fans.
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Old 10-15-2008, 08:23 PM
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She's only 24 there is still plenty of time for her to improve , give it some time.

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Old 10-15-2008, 08:28 PM
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Nonono...you have the country right, my friend, but the rest of your analogy is all wrong. This isn't Alizée's Stalingrad...this is her Rocky IV, man! (The one where he fought Ivan Draco.)

Specifically, this is the bit at the end of the second act of every Rocky movie, where all the complications have been revealed, the cards are stacked impossibly high against our hero, a much-beloved secondary character has kicked the bucket (AA! Ohmigod, it all FITS!!), it's all doom and gloom, and it doesn't look like there's any way through to a happy ending.

And you know what that means? That's right...it's time for a TRAINING MONTAGE!! (Preferably set to an inspirational power ballad by an 80's hair metal band.)

Alizée rehearsing with her band...Lili and Jeremy at the piano, deep in concentration, rearranging some music...a close-up of Lili lacing up her Nikes and then running away from the camera on a pre-dawn 5K run on the Corsican coastline...cutaways of the band members working hard in rehearsal, beads of sweat flying from their heads as they practice oh-so-hard...a cute "awwwww!" moment of Annily tangled up in equipment cords in the studio...Jeremy asleep at the piano, as Lili looks over her shoulder at him, smiles fondly, then nudges him to the side and keeps on working with a look of raw determination on her face...a few shots of her loyal team of plucky underdogs (i.e. us) doing their thing, dropping discs, putting up fliers, handing out cards...another shot of Lili and the band, really coming together and rocking out...another shot of Lili running along the beach, obviously pushing herself harder than she's ever pushed herself before, her jaw firecely set as the sun breaks over the waterline on the horizon, glinting off her gold calculator watch as the music swells...



Sorry, what were we talking about again...?

Last edited by Ruroshen; 10-15-2008 at 08:31 PM..
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Old 10-15-2008, 08:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
I said she sing the her earlier song the way they were origionaly orchestrated. If she didn't own the rights to them, she should have bought the rights.
And what if MF/LB wouldn't sell her the rights? Lili was adamant that the parting was on good terms, but I don't recall ever hearing anything conclusive from the other side.

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
I think she should have presented herself better. She has so much natural beauty. Some of the outfits she's been wearing lately look like they came off the rack at wal-mart, they hid her beauty, rather than accent it like they should have and to think she's living in the fashion capitol of the world.
What if that's her taste? Back with MF, she was forced into a plethora of tight-fitting, stomach-bearing, cause-all-men-to-faint numbers that, although emphasizing her otherworldly beauty, perhaps compromised her dignity. Now that she is free of those particular fetters, she is free to choose her own wardrobe: whether the fans agree with her choices is another matter. And another thing: childbirth is a wonderful and awe-inspiring thing and touches the heart, mind, and soul. The body, however, does not change in such a positive fashion . As Ruroshen and others have pointed out, her recent clothing choices are light on stomach and heavy on legs (a fair trade-off ).

But regardless, you can't "hide" beauty like Alizée's, because beauty comprises so many facets beyond simple attractiveness of the body. It is ineffable but can be found anywhere, sometimes in the most unlikely of places. So even if Alizée traveled the streets of the world's fashion capital in a burka, she would still undoubtedly be the most beautiful girl in the world .
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Old 10-15-2008, 08:39 PM
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Speaking as a newly converted member of the apparent Cult, I can say with some outsider perspective that at this point, I don't care if she never records another note or performs another concert, ever, anywhere, if that's what it takes to be true to herself. I was attracted initially by the quality of the music and production, which I quickly suspected (then confirmed) was not her doing. But I started getting sucked in because I saw her concert dvd, and realized that she couldn't possibly be completely pre-fab, to give that kind of performance--that whatever the coaching she received, she had, uh, just to say it, a je ne sais quoi that would probably shine thru even if she was standing in front of the bus station singing "Mary Had a Little Lamb" into a Mr. Microphone accompanied by a cheap Casio keyboard.

Even then, though, I didn't become a full-blown junkie until I started reading more about her, and realized that unlike the endless stream of fungible pop-tarts emanating from Hollyweird, she hasn't been in and out of rehab, jail, or family court. Maybe it's just that the French entertainment industry is more low-key; but I suspect (as I'm sure many here do too) that it's more indicative of a strength of character--and that is probably that spark that shines thru when she's performing.

No, I don't know that if my introduction to Alizee was thru a low-fi concert clip from Moscow of her singing 99 Luftballons, that I'd have paid this much attention--keeping in mind that it was the music that hooked me at first. But I'm happy she's moved on, even if it means that (for now) she's moved down, too. The more I learn about Mylene Farmer, the more I'm glad she's no longer under her care (what should I think about someone whose recent single was some post-feminist rant called "Eff Them All?") Does anyone really think that she would have had Alizee doing the same stuff she did when she was 18? Now that she's not suitable for playing a Lolita anymore, who knows what Farmer's next "image" would have been: an angry, disaffected twenty-nothing, channeling Alanis Morissette (another former teen idol)? Or maybe a buzz-cut francophone version of Wendy O Williams, blowing up cars? Thankfully we'll never have to find out.

So I consider anything Alizee's now doing--or not doing--a bonus, especially since it's from her this time. Maybe she's bitten off more than she can chew. Fine. That's part of growing up, and as others have said, the only hope for her to actually become something great herself is to take these risks and possibly make mistakes.

No, I don't presume to speak for anyone else--many of you, it seems, have been wandering in the desert for a long time, and are understandably upset since you caught sight of the promised land, only to have it disappear again. (I'm sure this is especially true for those of you out hard earned cash.) It's just my perspective as someone who has never experienced this kind of "overnight fascination" with a celebrity before--especially a pop singer--but is somehow very glad he now has

In any case, unless I suddenly learn she's a cat-beating heroine-addicted arms-smuggler, I'm probably going to remain an admirer of hers for life, and am thankful for what I do have from her, even if it will always leave me wanting more.
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Old 10-15-2008, 08:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
I said she sing the her earlier song the way they were origionaly orchestrated. If she didn't own the rights to them, she should have bought the rights.
Buying the rights is not necessary. She can perform any of her old songs in any arrangement she chooses as long as she pays a fee for doing so. That's standard procedure.
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Old 10-15-2008, 11:10 PM
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Originally Posted by YesterdaysAirRace View Post
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong...or scold me for having just lifted this from another thread here, for all I remember...but I thought the original arrangements and choreography were owned by her previous handlers. Thus she'd either have to license them (assuming she could) or "cover" them (which she did).
That's a myth that seems to have taken on a life of it's own on these Alizee forums. That's not how licensing works. You can't copyright arrangements or choreography, you can only copyright music and lyrics. The alternate arrangements she has been using are completely her decision.

The myth that Mylene and Laurent are preventing her from performing the original arrangements is just that...a myth.
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