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Old 11-21-2007, 09:49 PM
Addict Addict is offline
Hooked on Alizée
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: NY
Posts: 40
Addict is on a distinguished road

I picked this game up because I'm going on a trip to France and Italy this spring with a French class, even though I take Spanish. Of course immersion is the best way to learn a language and a game isn't anything like learning from a person, but the game has great potential for teaching vocabulary and useful phrases for getting around.

It has 10,000 words, 700 phrases, and acts as a translator. It has a number of lessons and you can record your voice to test your own pronunciation. It's not a bad way to learn, because it's interactive so a lot of the material sticks in your mind. I recommend it for anyone who doesn't have the opportunity to learn from a fluent speaker.
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