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Old 07-13-2008, 09:57 PM
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alizée ninja
Join Date: Jun 2006
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Age: 45
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brad is on a distinguished road

good idea,

i was also thinking we need to get some viral marketing going...

For example, Nurvonic: Dress Neoteny up in a Alizée America T-shirt and plead with the camera for Lili to come to the USA, then zoom the camera out to reveal Neoteny is attached to some massive sling shot and launch him about 200 feet into the air over your house.

We need all kind of crazy stuff like that to post on youtube, really start some kind of movement. lol ... maybe that is extreme but we need to get some stuff like that going. stuff we can post to digg and youtube to get people aware. Not just the usual tribute video that we have seen 10000 times. That isn't going to attract people, but some real crazy stuff that has the potential to go viral.

think outside the box!
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