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Old 06-18-2008, 02:46 AM
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TheBarrett TheBarrett is offline
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According to Patyl's toned-down but vivid description, it was a kickass concert. Obviously the temper of the citizens of Mexico was not directed negatively, and Alizée got some nice response, which is a GREAT GREAT thing to hear. At least now I know she's built some confidence, she's got a taste of the Mexican fever, and I can only presume she's just gonna skyrocket.

Originally Posted by patyl
Jeremy was taking some video of the opening and some shots when Alizée started the concert. Jeremy spent the complete concert there and he saw Jeremy dancing a little bit and talking with a guy that he assumes is Alizée's manager

It's also nice to see Jérémy's there, I mean, if I was married to Alizée I wouldn't stay home and watch TV and take care of the baby, i'd follow her, bring the child (when you can bring her anywhere you want, ah the golden ages), and tag along a magical woman who's about to have a nerve-wracking concert in her largest established fan country ever!

Originally Posted by patyl
He said the people went crazy when the lights went off and the concert started, the Auditorio Nacional was crowded few seats empty, and he has been to a lot of good concerts there (Elton John, Coldplay, Eagles, Killers, etc) so good attendance.
Elton John and Eagles I can understand, Coldplay and Killers, not so much. I'd like to see him attend a Dream Theater or a Pink Floyd concert, will leave him deaf, blind, and dumbfounded.

Originally Posted by patyl
She invite a guy to sit down with her while she was singing L'effet (lucky guy) the guy was fascinated and he got a kiss from Alizée at the end of the song and ALL THE CROWD WAS VERY JEALOUS !
Calm down Jérémy, it's just etiquette.
Or is it just Old Alizée bringing her old tease back to the stand!

Originally Posted by patyl
A contre courant
Oh now this just touches my heart, it was and always is my favorite song, oh the incentive, the drive, I should've acted on these concerts and get off of my ass and buy those tickets.

Hah, i'm just throwing presumptions here and there, as I was not actually there, but this gives me incentive to see if I can catch the next concerts. Heck, I can't realize my dream of being one of Alizée's instrumentalists if I don't get out and do something about it eh?

Anyways, i'm glad to hear everyone who went, went. I sure as hell would be pretty odd being a 'gringo' cheering along with preferably the most hot-tempered and passionate nationality in my mind! In fact, i'd be quite shaking down to my shins, ah but who cares, I probably won't think all those Mexicans would be noticing a European lad in the crowd, seeing as how they have something more beautiful to look at.

(*points at Alizée*)

Guess we're United in Fandom!
I can only wait for the concert-goers to come and tell me what really went down!
"I will write Peace on your wings, and you will fly all over the world."

Last edited by TheBarrett; 06-18-2008 at 03:21 AM..
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