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Old 04-18-2015, 11:25 AM
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I can't guess what kind of wedding Alizée would have because I think she is just unpredictable enough to make it hard to guess.

Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87 View Post
In Germany we have a wedding custom which is called "Polterabend" (poltern = making a lot of noise + Abend = evening) (not everyone is doing it but it's common) where bride and groom throw a party before the actual wedding (it could be the day before the wedding or a week before) for all their friends, colleagues, relatives, everyone who wants to come etc. and the guests bring porcelain, dishes etc. (no glass = because glass breaks easily like love and happiness could/no mirrors = because 7 years bad luck) and smash it because shards bring good luck. And people celebrate the whole night and only a few of them are later invited to the actual wedding. I know this doesn't exist in France but it's just an example that throwing a party would be a great idea to do so no one would feel left out.
Thanks for sharing the custom of "Polterabend" with us. I love to hear about different customs from around the world. This one sounds like fun.
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