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Old 09-17-2010, 12:03 PM
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Even still, after following someone for a while you start to become attactched even if it wasnt their intention to begin with.

Watching clips from the En Concert DVD (From youtube) everyones going crazy, singing to the songs and, maybe her fans didnt abandon her, maybe she moved forward to fast for them leaving them behind stuck and caught in the past.

At the same time I was thinking about this today...Alizee was ahead of the time in terms of music which actually makes me sad. Today we have songs like Lady Gaga and stuff being relle big, several years before that Mademoiselle Juiliette was released, and it reminds me of a Gaga song but one that is actually good.

So it made me think, she would have been huge if she was biorn a bit later, had the same life but as able to move the stuff towards this time period. At the same rate, if she was American or at least Moved to America and preformed songs like that in English. I Personally Gurantee, it would have been a #1 Hit with the music that people are listening too today.

She had tons of fame back in 2003. Just imagine what it could have been like if those songs came out now.
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