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Old 04-07-2010, 12:11 PM
wasabi622 wasabi622 is offline
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wasabi622 is on a distinguished road

Deepwaters, have you ever been a kid before? Sounds like you were mature your entire life.

I'm not even twenty yet, I don't want to be full fledged grown up, I'll have no choice in the matter in a few years, so I think I'll enjoy being silly, immature, and carefree(well, not really..) for as long as I can.
There's a place to be mature, and on a fan forum, I think the bar can be lowered a bit. It's not like we're going to present this committee, it's just us hanging out and goofing off.

I don't see why we should all feel to need to be grown up about it.
We're not being insulting, anti-Semitic, derogatory, racist, homophobic, or sexist.
Maybe the jokes aren't always up to standard you wish they were, but that's just what happens on an online forum. Especially ones with a diverse group like this one.

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