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Old 10-04-2006, 04:02 PM
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O Rly O Rly is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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Posts: 239
O Rly is on a distinguished road

Well, i first remember hearing her (i know i had heard of her a lot earlier, just that it's one day i remember the most) sometime around spring 2002(i was 10 at the time), while i was returning from a trip to Sweden. Moi... Lolita was playing all over the radio at that time, and at that day i heard it about 3 times in one hour one the SAME radio station, lol. I kinda liked the song, but i ended up forgetting about it until a friend showed me the J'en ai marre video, and the name Alizée sounded really familiar. So i typed it in wikipedia and then remembered it all (i found this website there too, btw).
But what was I doing at the time? Playing basketball, videogames and watching Pokemon (I know it's kinda dumb, but that's what i did when i was 10 years old...)
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